Wilkes County is currently recruiting an Environmental Health Specialist to work in our On-Site Waste Water and Private Drinking Well Program. This is a newly appointed position. Wilkes County is located in the beautiful Foothills of North Carolina. Wilkes County will offer a competitive salary based on years of experience and current authorizations. This position is responsible for conducting inspections, education, enforcement, surveillance, and consultation for the purpose of prevention of environmental health hazards and the promotion and protection of the public health.
Benefits include: 7.5 hour work day, 37.5 hour work week, 2.5 % increases in pay with additional authorizations for cross training, vacation accrual determined by total number of years of service in the Local Government Retirement System, 7.5 hours of earned sick leave monthly, health, dental and life insurance at no cost to the employee, longevity based on years of service, county vehicles, paid holidays, Local Government Retirement, and a wellness benefit of an extra 30 minutes of lunch 3 times a week to keep the employee healthy.
All applicants should complete the PD 107 State Application and resume. Please submit to Angie Rhodes at arhodes.
Thank you,
Angie Rhodes
Environmental Health Director
Wilkes County Health Department
306 College Street
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
(336) 651-7530
ENV HEALTH SPEC JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Onsite and Private Drinking Wells 2021.doc