Two Senior EHS positions available

We have two vacant Senior Environmental Health Specialist positions posted in Mecklenburg County. The positions are available in our Planning and Support Services program with the Plan Review and Permitting team.

The primary job duty of one position includes inspections of mobile food units and pushcarts. Other duties include assisting in permitting mobile food units and pushcarts, inspections of shared kitchens, and permitting of food service establishments.

The second position is a new position we received in FY23. This position has primary job duties including permitting food service establishments, mobile food units, and pushcarts. Other duties include conducting risked based food service inspections, training staff, and assisting in electronic plan review.

Mecklenburg County Human Resources offers a competitive salary and benefit package to the EH profession. The new salary range effective July 1, 2022 for the Senior EHS position is 65,387 min -81,784 mid -98,081 max based on experienced and years of service by Human Resources. The link to the positions are below and will close at midnight September 5th.

MFU position-

Permitting position-

If you are interested feel free to reach out to me (Amber.Daniels) or Matt Cook (Matt.Cook) for questions about the job or the Charlotte area. I look forward to speaking with you about this exciting opportunity.

Amber Daniels, REHS | Environmental Manager

Planning & Support Services | Mecklenburg County Public Health

3205 Freedom Drive Suite 8000 | Charlotte, NC 28208

Office: 980-314-3470 | Cell: 704-621-2291




