2011 Supervisor of the Year nominations
Hello to All, Nominations for the 2011 Environmental Health Supervisor of the Year Award are now open. All nominations must be received no later than 5:00 PM March 4, 2011. The award will be presented as a part of the Thursday night banquet at the spring meeting in Southern Pines. Nomination information and instructions are…
Central EHSA updates: new officers for coming year
During the business meeting of the CNCEHSA on December 2nd, an election was held for the election of officers for 2011. Jon Fowlkes moved up to the officer of President and Terri Ritter was elected Vice-President. There were nominations made for the office of Secretary and Treasurer. The decision was made be those attending the…
Western EHSA, December 2010 meeting
Attached are the agenda and travel directions for the WNCEHSA’s December 9th meeting to be held in Asheville at the Buncombe County Training Center at 10 am. Hope to see you all there. Parking is available in the First Baptist parking lot; the cost is four dollars. There is no attendant, deposit money into red…
Central EHSA, December 2010 meeting
The Central Environmental Health Supervisors quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2nd at the Golden Corral restaurant in Asheboro. The link to the agenda is here. Also, we will be holding elections to choose 2 officers for 2011 during the business meeting.
2011 Leadership list
In order to avoid spam, this is a downloadable pdf document. Please view the document here.
Conference Calls
Conference Calls After several discussions at some previous conferences, NCEHSA has the capacity for members to conference call. Thanks to a web venture, free conferencing calls are available. The reference user for this web service is NC DENR. They have been using this service instead of extended travel to a central meeting place, saving time…