Innovative Approvals
The attached files include Innovative Approvals issued by the Department for the following companies and products: Orenco Systems, Inc. AX20-RT and AX25-RT E-Z Treat Model 600 and Model 1200 units Presby Environmental Inc. Advanced Enviro-Septic System The approvals will be placed on our homepage in the near future (http://ehs.ncpublichealth.com/oswp/approvedproducts.htm). Please contact us if you have…
Save the date: NCEHSA 2015 Fall Meeting
The Fall 2015 NCEHSA meeting is scheduled for October 15 and 16 in Aberdeen. We hope that those of you that could not attend last week’s meeting will be able to join us. Please let us know if there are any specific topics, presentations or speakers you would like to see scheduled. AndrewB
Thanks from Doc
I would like to say how honored I was to receive The Richard Dideriksen Award. Richard is a mentor, a true professional, scholar, and dear friend. It is an honor just to be in his company and to share time with him. Thanks to those who nominated me and thanks to all of those who…
Post conference updates
Congratulations to our esteemed colleagues, Andre and Doc for taking home the awards for Supervisor of the Year and RD award, respectively! See these updates: SOY 2015 & RDaward
Here’s a bit of legislative news — RD update
April 30th is Crossover deadline. Crossover: In order to be eligible for consideration during the 2015 or 2016 Regular Sessions of the 2015 NC General Assembly, all bills other than (i) those required to be referred to the Committee on Finance or the Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget, (ii) those establishing districts for Congress or State…
USDA Funding Presentation
Below is the Powerpoint presentation from William Kenney. Andrew Blethen, MPA, REHS Environmental Health Supervisor Appalachian District Health Department USDA Funding.pptx