Past President: Ryan Langley

Supervisor of the Year: 2023, Holly Haire

Richard Dideriksen award: Melissa Ham

  • Nominations for 2016 Richard Dideriksen Award

    The NCEHSA is seeking qualified applicants for the Richard Dideriksen award to be presented at the spring meeting in Aberdeen. The award will be presented at the banquet on Thursday, April 7. All nominations are due to me by Friday March 1, 2016. Please consider nominating a deserving staff member for this prestigious award. If…

  • Nominations: EH Supervisor of the Year

    Happy New Year! Please consider nominating a deserving Environmental Health Supervisor for the “2016 Supervisor of the Year Award.” Applications are due by 5:00pm, March 7, 2016. Applications must be1) emailed to Andre Pierce at apierce(at) or 2) mailed to Andre Pierce, Wake County Environmental Services, PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602. See the attached…

  • San Bernardino EH Tragedy

    Public and Environmental Health Family: Like many of you, it’s been difficult to process the tragedy that occurred in San Bernardino this past Wednesday. There is a kinship among the public and environmental health community and all of us are experiencing the impact of the loss of our fellow colleagues in some way. I believe…

  • EHL- Plan Review Legislation

    Good afternoon, A provision in the recently passed House Bill 44 (HB44) addresses plan review by adding a new subsection to G.S. 130A-248. The new subsection (e1) states: “Plans for a franchised or chain food establishment that have been reviewed and approved by the Department shall not require further review and approval under this section…

  • Fall Conference 2015

    The agenda and registration forms are up on the Conference Page.

  • 3rd quarter WNCEHSA

    To All EH Supervisors and Program Specialists: The 3rd quarter Western North Carolina Environmental Health Supervisors Association meeting is scheduled for September 24th. Please see attached agenda and 2015 registration form and note that the meeting will be held at the first floor conference room at 200 College Street. Thanks and hope to see there.…