Past President: Ryan Langley

Supervisor of the Year: 2023, Holly Haire

Richard Dideriksen award: Melissa Ham

  • Fall Conference Details

    The 2016 Agenda and Registration forms are posted to our Conference page.  The Agenda reads like it’s going to be another outstanding and informative meeting.  

  • Onsite Water Protection Hall of Fame

    All, The Onsite Water Protection Conference will be held in Raleigh on October 11-13, 2016. The conference committee would like to encourage you to nominate your deserving co-worker or community partner for the Onsite Water Protection Hall of Fame. The deadline for submission is July 29, 2016. The information regarding submitting a nomination is attached.…

  • Spring 2016 NCEHSA Meeting

    Please make plans to attend the Spring 2016 NCEHSA Meeting in Aberdeen, NC on April 6th-8th. It will be held at the Hampton Inn as usual. We have 40 rooms blocked for the meeting and the cut off date to reserve a room is March 22nd. The rates are $98.00 for a standard room or…

  • Central NC Env. Health Supervisor Assoc. November 2015 Meeting Minutes

    Attached is the meeting minutes from the November 20, 2015 meeting in Concord. The presentation given by Dr. Byrd is attached as well. Thank you, Central NC Environmental Health Supervisor’s Meeting November20, 2015 Minutes.docx Dr. Byrd Presentation.pdf

  • Guidance for Zika Virus Diagnosis, Management and Reporting From: Williams, Carl [] Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:12 AM Subject: [phleaders] Guidance for Zika Virus Diagnosis, Management and Reporting Hi all, Please see the attached guidance pertaining to Zika virus diagnosis, management and reporting. We have consolidated a great deal of information from the Centers for Disease Control, The American Congress of…

  • Nominations: EH Supervisor of the Year

    Happy New Year! Please consider nominating a deserving Environmental Health Supervisor for the “2016 Supervisor of the Year Award.” Applications are due by 5:00pm, March 7, 2016. Applications must be1) emailed to Andre Pierce at apierce or 2) mailed to Andre Pierce, Wake County Environmental Services, PO Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602. See the attached…