EHL- Employment Opportunity
REHS Opportunity Lee County Environmental Health is looking for a new REHS. This position will be primarily in the OSWW program but not be limited to that program if you have an interest. OSWW authorization preferred and we hope to be hiring very soon. We have a great team who are all interested in helping…
Contract OSWW EHSs for Lee County
Colleagues, Lee County Environmental Health is looking for authorized REHS’s who would like to work some extra hours during the day and on weekends. We are paying $50 an hour to work in our OSWW program. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Anthony Williams, MPA, REHS Lee County Environmental Health Supervisor 115 Chatham…
Soil Scientist Buncombe County NC
Soil Scientist The primary purpose of this position is to evaluate soils at sites where residential, commercial, or industrial construction is proposed, using on-site ground absorption sewage disposal systems and ensure compliance with all state and county laws, rules, and regulations. Essential Functions of the position: Perform site evaluations for the location of wells,…
Cumberland County Soil Scientist Position
Cumberland County is currently seeking a Soil Scientist. For more information and to submit an application click the link below. This job posting closes on November 18, 2019. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/cumberlandcountync ADRIAN JONES, R.S. Environmental Health Director Cumberland County Department of Public Health 1235 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: (910)433-3690 Fax: (910)433-3793
The Appalachian District Health Department is currently seeking an Environmental Health Specialist for our On-Site Water Protection Program in Watauga County. Please see the attached position vacancy announcement and list of current benefits offered to staff. We are also offering up to a $5,000.00 relocation stipend. Salary negotiable based on experience. Position open until filled.…
Employment Opporunity- Moore County
Moore County is currently seeking applicants for an Environmental Health Specialist position in the Food, Lodging & Institution section. Visit https://selfservice.moorecountync.gov/MSSProd/employmentopportunities/default.aspx to apply on line. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Crystal Hodges, REHS EH Program Specialist Moore County Environmental Health 910-947-6283 chodgesatmoorecountyncdotgov