Past President: Ryan Langley

Supervisor of the Year: 2023, Holly Haire

Richard Dideriksen award: Melissa Ham

  • Environmental Health Supervisor III – Pitt County

    Pitt County Health Department is currently seeking an Environmental Health Supervisor III. Closing date for accepting applications is February 5, 2021. The position can be viewed here Pitt County is a rapidly growing, diversified employment and service center for eastern North Carolina. As one of the fastest growing regions in the state, Pitt County…

  • Surry County Food and Lodging Position

    I am excited to announce that Surry County is hiring! We are currently recruiting an Environmental Health Specialist to work in a variety of environmental health programs, concentrating in the Food/Lodging /Institutional Program. Other duties may include the On-Site Wastewater Program and Wells, or other general environmental health activities. Please visit the following for the…

  • Job vacancies for the Sampson County Health Department

    The Sampson County Health Department is looking to hire an Environmental Health Supervisor II and Environmental Specialist for Food and Lodging. Deadline for applications is Wednesday January 27th by the end of the work day. We are a small county but offer excellent benefits, Four ten hour workday and the opportunity for advancement. For more…

  • Job vacancies for the Sampson County Health Department

    The Sampson County Health Department is looking to hire an Environmental Health Supervisor II and Environmental Specialist for Food and Lodging. Deadline for applications are Wednesday January 27th by the end of the work day. We are a small county but offer excellent benefits, Four ten hour workday and the opportunity for advancement. For more…

  • Surry County Environmental Health Job Opportunity!

    Surry County is currently recruiting an Environmental Health Specialist to work in a variety of environmental health programs, concentrating in the On-Site Wastewater and Wells program. The individuals selected will have the opportunity to become authorized in other areas of environmental health. Please visit the following link for the application process:–OSWW.pdf Surry County has…

  • Caldwell County contract work for on-site and wells

    Caldwell County is looking for some temporary full or part time work to aid in on-site and wells while we look to fill some vacant positions. The hourly rate will be $40.00 an hour. If interested please call me at 704-245-4765 or email me your resume. I look forward to hearing from you. John E.…