Category: Site updates

  • Central EHSA, December 2010 meeting

    The Central Environmental Health Supervisors quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2nd at the Golden Corral restaurant in Asheboro.  The link to the agenda is here. Also, we will be holding elections to choose 2 officers for 2011 during the business meeting.

  • 2011 Leadership list

    In order to avoid spam, this is a downloadable pdf document. Please view the document here.

  • Conference Calls

    Conference Calls After several discussions at some previous conferences, NCEHSA has the capacity for members to conference call.  Thanks to a web venture, free conferencing calls are available.  The reference user for this web service is NC DENR.  They have been using this service instead of extended travel to a central meeting place, saving time…

  • 2011 Hold these dates

    Please mark your calendars for the 2011 Spring and Fall Educational Meetings for NCEHSA.   The dates are May 4-6 and October 20-21. The meeting will be held in Aberdeen. Check back for more details. –

  • Eastern EHSA officers

    The 2011 officers for the Eastern Section Environmental Health Supervisors Association will be: Kent Keeter – President Katrina Winters – Vice President Keith Jernigan – Secretary/Treasurer

  • Eastern EHSA meeting announcement –fall 2010

    The next Eastern Environmental Health Supervisors Association Meeting will be held on Friday, October 1, 2010, in Greenville, NC. The meeting will be held at the First Citizens Bank conference room, located at the intersection of Arlington Boulevard and Stantonsburg Road. All Environmental Health Administrators, Program Coordinators, Supervisors, and Program Specialists are encouraged to become…