Category: Careers

  • NEW F & L Job Opportunity in Cabarrus County

    The application period for our new position has been extended! Come work with an amazing group of people and join our team! The job posting can be accessed at: Mary Barbee, REHS Food and Lodging Supervisor Childcare Supervisor Cabarrus Health Alliance 300 Mooresville Rd, Kannapolis, NC 28081 Office: (704) 920-1268 | Fax: (704)933-3379 Email:…

  • Wilkes County On-Site Waste Water and Well Position

    Wilkes County is currently recruiting an Environmental Health Specialist to work in our On-Site Waste Water and Private Drinking Well Program. This is a newly appointed position. Wilkes County is located in the beautiful Foothills of North Carolina. Wilkes County will offer a competitive salary based on years of experience and current authorizations. This position…

  • Multiple Job Opportunities-Lee County

    The Lee County Health Department is actively recruiting for several positions in Environmental Health. Positions available include two leadership positons as Supervisor and a newly created FLI Program Specialist. We are also recruiting for a REHS position in the OSWW program. Lee County is a rapidly growing community and these are excellent opportunities for anyone…

  • EHS OPPORTUNITY IN ORANGE COUNTY- announcement and application period ends JUNE 27

    Orange County Environmental Health is recruiting to fill a Retail Food Protection, Lodging, and Institution Program vacancy! Please view the posting and apply here by June 27th. The food assignment will give someone a lot of great experiences with the inspections of the local medical system and the university system and athletics. We are fortunate…

  • Cabarrus County Food and Lodging Career Opportunity

    I am excited to announce that Cabarrus County is hiring for an Environmental Health Specialist in our Food and Lodging Division. This is a NEW position! Come work with an amazing group of people and join our team! The job posting can be accessed at: Mary Barbee, REHS Food and Lodging Supervisor Childcare Supervisor…

  • On-Site Wastewater EHS posting-Beaufort County- Updated Salary

    Please see attached for the EHS vacancy in our On-site wastewater program. The salary has been increased from the previous posting. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly. Thanks, Stacey Stacey L. Harris, REHS Environmental Health Supervisor Beaufort County Health Department 220 N. Market St. Washington, NC 27889 (252)975-9873 Environmental Health…